The Loan Process

Insignia’s lending experts will identify, structure and package the best loan program — at the most competitive rates — to accomplish your specific needs and harness the power of your current assets.

loan, The Loan Process

Step 1: Mortgage Application

An experienced home loan expert will review your income, credit and financial statements and provide a detailed analysis, including:

  • Complete cash flow analysis based on borrower’s current income, debts and loan amount requested.
  • Out-of-the-box solutions for borrowers who do not meet traditional guidelines or have highly complex personal and business profiles, such as:
    • Foreign National borrowers
    • No Tax Return loans
    • Retirees with little or no income but substantial assets
    • Parents assisting children with first time home purchase
    • Borrowers looking to vest property in LLC, partnerships, irrevocable or blind trusts.
loan, The Loan Process

Step 2: The Insignia Pre-Approval

  • We conduct a thorough review of the borrower’s documentation and match custom solutions based on each individual’s personal needs and financial profile.
  • Our pre-approval truly means the qualifications for a mortgage have been thoroughly evaluated and the loan is solidly pre-approved.
  • A pre-approval from Insignia Mortgage assures real estate agents of a borrower’s seriousness and qualifications to buy a home.
loan, The Loan Process

Step 3: Obtaining A Loan Approval

Once we’ve submitted your loan to the investor, the typical approval turnaround time varies from 1 to 7 business days. During this time, we will continue to anticipate additional lender requirements to close on the transaction.

loan, The Loan Process

Step 4: Closing Your Loan

Once your loan is approved, Insignia will work diligently with all parties involved to obtain all outstanding paperwork necessary to close the loan in a timely fashion.