
Market Commentary – 5/30/15

U.S. Bond yields drifted fractionally lower this week based on continued concerns about the overall lack of growth in the global economy. Supporting this claim was the revised gross domestic product(GDP) reading Friday morning. The revised GDP came in at -.7% lower than the -.2% originally reported. This revision was widely expected so the bond market was not caught off guard by this revision. Both Canada and Europe also reported anemic GDP numbers this month.

Greece was front page news this week as it is struggling to make its June debt payments. Should a resolution come to pass, bonds may see a sell-off. However, should Greece default, things may become chaotic, which will benefit U.S. bond yields.

U.S. housing data continues to remain positive with favorable numbers this week out of the Case-Shiller Home Price Index. Solid housing data has driven home prices to new highs for 2015.

With so many unknowns in the world, we continue to float interest rates with a bias toward locking.

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