
Market Commentary 9/25/20

Interest rates remain low and may go lower as volatility picks up in the equity market. Some of the reasons of this down market includes a very tense upcoming presidential election, a slowing recovery, high unemployment, and a global uptick in Covid-19 cases, just to name the biggest factors. These concerns should benefit bonds near-term. However, there are some positives as the economy has recovered from the March lows. There has been a spark of innovation due to the pandemic and business data indicates that durable goods sales have picked up. There are also some rumblings that Congress is working on additional stimulus relief packages.

The mortgage environment remains very busy as many borrowers are looking for new homes outside of city centers. Many are also seeking to refinance their existing mortgages at these all-time low-interest rates. Banks continue to underwrite applications vigorously while ensuring that the borrowers they qualify will be able to repay their mortgages. Banks share the concern that as COVID cases continue to spike upward, we may face more shutdowns, as the UK has recently enacted. Keep an eye on weekly unemployment claims, which just moved up, as a sign of where the economy is headed.   


Market Commentary 9/4/20

The August jobs report continued to show progress as non-farm payroll employment increased by 1.371 million as the unemployment rate fell to 8.40%. Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, the unemployment rate was 3.50%. While the jobs picture has improved a great deal from the April high of 14.70%, we still have a long way to go. Also, these numbers don’t take into consideration white-collar workers who have taken pay cuts or whose bonus structure has been adjusted downwards. These high-income earners account for a lot more consumption so it will be interesting to see how consumption looks for the biggest buyers of goods and services in the coming months as the pandemic continues to limit economic activity. Also, the pace of employment gains appears to be slowing as the U.S. heads into the fall and winter months. How the virus reacts to cooler weather is weighing on all of us.  

Treasury and mortgage bond yields traded higher on good, but not great, jobs data. What’s ironic about the move up in interest rates today is that the equity markets are experiencing the heaviest selling pressure since June which typically pushes bond yields lower. With Central Banks printing literally trillions of dollars in currency, the fear is that inflation will finally arrive as evidenced by the hint of upward-moving hourly earnings data which came in well above expectations. This fear seems to be of bigger concern than the recent market volatility. Also, the concentration in mega-tech stocks is where a lot of the carnage is being felt as momentum stocks give up gains, and valuation and fundamentals are being discussed as the reason to buy stocks. Only time will tell if the market is moving past momentum trading. The gains in the tech sector specifically have been positive for those investors who were invested in this sector and have helped increase net worth and consumer confidence.  

In mortgage news, our local-based banks and credit unions continue to offer a wonderful combination of intelligent underwriting and very fair pricing. Purchase transactions are being reviewed quickly and the Southern California housing market is very healthy. Insignia Mortgage continues to offer unique products to help our wide swath of borrowers obtain financing. 


Market Commentary 8/28/20

U.S. equity markets continue to move higher this week. The Fed chair further supported the markets with recent comments on changes in the way the Fed will target inflation and full employment. The Fed is unwavering in keeping interest rates low for longer. For the moment, there is no fear of inflation. With millions of Americans still unemployed or under-employed, zero rate interest policies are designed to spur on the investments in riskier assets, help corporate and individual borrowers refinance to lower debt service, and inflate asset prices to boost consumer and business confidence. Inflation is no longer feared by the Fed and is actually being encouraged through their policies. The bigger and less talked about fear is the threat of deflation or even worse stagflation. 

With the economic activity improving and our society adjusting to living with the pandemic, mortgage rates have been moving higher ever so gradually.  There are still many land mines that could drive rates lower, such as the return of major outbreaks of Covid-19 in the fall, U.S.-China tensions, an unexpected drop in equities, and the U.S. Presidential and general elections.  However, as improving consumer and business data continue to trickle in, the risk seems tilted toward higher interest rates.  The Fed wants inflation and the old saying of “don’t fight the Fed” can loosely be applied to where mortgage rates might head in the coming months. We remain mindful of how quickly interest rates may move if the market is surprised by better than expected positive news. We are encouraging our borrowers to take this into consideration when looking for a new home or refinancing an existing one.


Market Commentary 8/21/20

It has been difficult to reconcile the markets. Only a few big tech stocks account for much of the market gains as the pandemic has fast-forwarded digital innovation while also exposing poorly run or heavily debt-laden traditional businesses. Equity markets have risen along with unemployment. Zero percent interest rates on government bonds and high-quality corporate bonds have pushed investors further out of the risk curve as stocks with little earnings have been soaring. Zero-interest rates have also been a big boon for housing and more — specifically single-family homes. Home sales have been on a tear, as well as home improvement. Working from home is likely to continue well into 2021 and our homes have become the center of our universe.  Will people modify their behavior as the pandemic subsides and life feels more “normal”? The tech sector seems to be betting that our collective behavior has changed for good. Personally, I am not so certain, but do like the idea of working from home a couple of days of the week and I don’t mind wearing a mask when I go to the grocery store or pharmacy.  

With weekly unemployment rising, the economic recovery appears to be slowing. Government assistance is designed to help bridge the gap for the many businesses that remain closed or heavily impacted. In order to provide this assistance, the U.S. Treasury continues to offer unprecedented amounts of debt into the market place with no end in sight to finance these benefits. Should confidence wane on the U.S. ability so service this massive debt, rates could move higher, and markets could be disrupted. This is unlikely but something to consider. Also, should mortgage deferments and delinquencies pick up again in the fall, banks may be faced to raise interest rates as well.  

On the positive side, we’ve seen manufacturing data come in better than expected, and virus stats are improving. There are so many different trajectories we could go from here. We all continue to grind week by week, and day by day as we live through the first major pandemic in over 100 years. On the mortgage front, we see no reason to not take advantage of historically low-interest rates. There is just not much juice left to squeeze on interest rates at these levels.


Market Commentary 8/14/20

The U.S. Treasury and agency bond markets became more volatile as inflation data heated up and came in better than expected. Unemployment claims dropped below a million claims. Consumers continue to spend even though spending habits have shifted to e-commerce. These reports support the notion that some economic recovery is occurring as businesses and individuals adjust to the pandemic. However, economists and analysts are concerned about how far the economy can grow in the current environment. With major U.S. indexes near or above all-time highs, the dislocation between Wall Street and Main Street will need to be reconciled. Yet there are few alternatives for investors other than equities. Historically low government and corporate bond yields leave investors not a lot of options outside of taking on more risky asset classes. 

The housing market remains busy, fueled by low-interest rates and the desire by many apartment and condo dwellers into single-family homes. The tight supply of single-family homes has also kept prices stable. 

Affluent buyers have been taking on more second and third home purchases in a bid to own more tangible property.

All of this good news suggests rates may move higher. This week the FHFA added .50 bps hit to all refinances, impacting agency products. Mortgage refinances ticked up in response, leaving many people in the middle of a refinance in limbo, wondering if a refi is now worth it. Jumbo-portfolio lenders are less apt to price their products day-to-day and to date, they remain eager to grow their loan volumes. This is good news for our many self-employed borrowers and for those with complex loan scenarios.


Market Commentary 08/7/20

The U.S. economy continued to make a comeback with 1.8 million new jobs created in July. Unemployment fell again to 10.20%, and the Labor Force Participation Rate rose to 61.40% from 60.20%. Just six months ago, we were writing about the lowest unemployment numbers of all time in the U.S. While this latest jobs report reflects a better-than-expected economic recovery from the March lows, many of the job gains in sectors such as travel, leisure, and restaurant staffing will most likely turn out to be transitory. Many U.S. businesses are operating at far below optimal levels and have probably laid people off again since the July print due to ongoing virus outbreaks across the country.

Many Americans, especially those in more public-facing jobs, may be back to work, but not at pre-COVID pay levels. These issues were probably behind the lukewarm response by Wall Street to the sizable job gains. The bond market remains skeptical as short-term and long-terms rates flattened further. Job creation from this point onward will rely on effective remedies as the economy will probably not be able to march higher under the shadow of fear of more shutdowns. Business and consumer spending will not normalize either. There is still a tremendous amount of uncertainty, but the scientific community is learning more about the virus daily and many potential treatments are just on the horizon.

While Wall Street grapples with forecasts, Main Street is concerned about paying the bills. More stimulus will be needed to bridge the millions of Americans who remain underemployed or out of work. This financial support is still being negotiated. Some clarity on the next round of relief should come in by next week, but not without the usual political bickering and finger-pointing. Should Congress not be able to come to an agreement, the markets could experience much greater volatility. For the moment, markets are assuming more stimulus is a near-certain outcome. However, even under a no-deal scenario, President Trump has stated that relief measures could be extended by executive order, giving Congress more time to come to terms with the Congressionally approved relief package. It is obvious that the Fed’s swift action and Congress’s willingness to open up the coffers helped to protect the country from diving into a deep depression. The trillions of dollars spent to date have been unprecedented and how we pay this back is a discussion for another day. 

Both the luxury single-family market end and suburban housing market have been a great asset class to own during the past six months. Low rates have spurred higher-end buyers into the luxury home market and suburban market, and it’s put more money into people’s pockets as refinance rates on many loan products have moved below 3.000%. Loan volume is at record levels and with forbearance and delinquencies tracking lower, banks are lending with more confidence and removing some of the more-restrictive COVID-19 overlays. This is helping our self-employed borrowers gain access to attractive rates and terms on more opaque loan requests. Unless you believe U.S. interest rates will go negative, any improvement in interest rates from these historically low levels will require lenders willing to take less yield to gain more loan volume. We continue to encourage all of our borrowers who have not refinanced within the last six months to review their loan documents to determine if a refinance is worthwhile. In many instances, better terms can be achieved.   


Market Commentary 7/31/20

It is a twisted tale of two worlds as big tech stocks such as Facebook and Apple surge while unemployment claims nationwide increase over back-to-back weeks. The disconnect between Main Street and Wall Street could not be greater. The issues are compounded by uncertainty over when normalcy will return in the U.S. So many public-facing businesses are struggling (think travel, restaurant, gyms, malls). If you expand that thinking, it’s an even worse conundrum as the business that supports those businesses (think airline parts manufacturers, restaurant suppliers, cleaning companies, retail suppliers) are under great strain. GDP in the second quarter was the worst on record. While everyone expected this number would be awful, the worry now is that with unemployment claims rising the economic rebound could stall. Coronavirus cases are up and there is no clear cut strategy in place to address big issues such as whether schools will reopen, what sort of additional rescue package will Congress agree on, and companies’ actions if the pandemic lasts longer than expected domestically.

However, on the positive side, the U.S. consumer continues to spend money in the e-commerce realm, since brick-and-mortar businesses have been closed. The economy is sure to be impacted in the upcoming quarter as unemployment benefits and bonus COVID-19 benefits taper off. So far, the U.S. government has stepped up in a big way to prevent a major economic depression. It will certainly get more complicated as time goes on, especially with a presidential election looming. 

Interest rates have breached the .60% mark on the 10-year U.S. Treasury. There is no inflation and bond traders are not optimistic about the near-term economic recovery. These ultra-low rates make all types of financing attractive as both corporations and consumers refinance massive amounts of debt. Low-interest rates are also helping the housing market by boosting affordability. Lenders are also seeing a tapering off of forbearances and delinquencies on residential mortgages. Certain sectors of the commercial real estate market remain in deep trouble as retail stores and hospitality businesses have been hit hard by the pandemic. The good news is that Insignia Mortgage’s long-standing relationship with our credit unions, banks, and mortgage banks has proved valuable as we continue to fund almost all loans that we pre-approve.


Market Commentary 7/24/20

Tech stocks fell in what has been a priced-for-perfection sector as coronavirus cases surge. Tech has led the way as many businesses have used technology for the current stay-at-home economy. However, the huge concentration of value within the FAANG’s (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) does create concentration risk. Valuations are for sure stretched in this sector.

June home sales shined and business activity picked up, both welcome signs of better days ahead. Additional stimulus will be needed to sustain the economy until the virus is contained, more effective treatments emerge, or vaccines are available. All of the aforementioned comments continue to weigh on the equity markets. Bond markets continue to trade in a much more somber forecast to equities as the 10-year U.S. Treasury hovers near all-time lows of ~.54%. For the moment, the surge in equities has helped keep consumers and business sentiment alive (better sentiment equals more spending) as the Fed’s do-whatever-is-necessary actions have secured the floor on equity/risk on assets. 

The Fed’s massive liquidity injections have also saved the non-QM mortgage market as lenders and investors look for yield. Mortgage debt is easy to understand and the collateral is real. With paltry AAA and government debt yielding well under 1%, more opaque mortgage originations that can generate yields above 3.500% are appealing. Insignia Mortgage is placing loans with several different types of investors from regional California banks and credit unions to mortgage banks. Bridge loans are also making a comeback with investors eager to put money to work. Government-guaranteed loans are priced at historical lows and with new technology streamlining the process, we can close these types of loan transactions in as few as 30 days.


Market Commentary 7/17/20

In the U.S. this week, bond yields slid as a rise in coronavirus infections picked up. Weekly unemployment claims moved higher which also pushed bond yields down as economists view higher claims as a sign that the economic recovery may be losing stream. Many states shut down certain public-facing businesses in response. Small businesses are already suffering and more stimulus will be needed in order to avoid mass unemployment.

Banks’ earnings, which are being looked at closely as a sign of things to come, were mixed with those banks with substantial institutional trading departments reported strong earnings while more traditional lenders such as Wells Fargo reported poor to negative earnings. All banks are reserving more for loan loss provisions, however, there is no consensus yet as to whether the worst is behind us. A V-shaped recovery seems like a long shot, but equities continue to trade under that assumption for the moment. Bond yields support a more prolonged recovery.

Despite all this sour news, some hopeful green shoots have emerged as consumer spending has picked up and housing starts surged. In another positive sign of an improving residential mortgage market, Insignia Mortgage has been seeing some options return to the jumbo lending marketplace, including non-QM lenders with loan programs such as self-employed bank statements and one-year tax return options. 


Market Commentary 7/10/20

It’s a tale of two worlds as money on Wall Street floods into COVID-19-resistant sectors such as technology and biotech while Main Street struggles and many retail and public-facing businesses face hard times and tough decisions. With many cities and states scaling back on the re-opening of the economy as COVID-19 cases surge, it is becoming harder to imagine a V-shape economic recovery. Even amongst the backdrop of all the political bickering, more stimulus out of Washington seems baked-in, especially for the hardest-hit industries such as restaurants, fitness, airlines, and hotels, all of which employ a significant amount of folks, and they may be asked to close their doors again. Some positive news from Pfizer and Gilead on treatments to combat the virus is encouraging, but even if these treatments prove to be effective, getting these treatments out to our citizens and the 4 billion global population will be a herculean task. 

With little to no inflation and unemployment rates in the teens, interest rates are going nowhere for a while. It is interesting to see gold run above $1,800 per ounce. With global coordinated central bank stimulus packages in the trillions (and rising), there will be a day of reckoning one day in the future, and inflating dollars to pay a historical debt is one way out of this catastrophe. So it’s not surprising to see the rise in gold as a store of real value. Rising inflation is probably years away, but if and when inflation hits, watch out. 

Speaking of hard assets and inflation, residential real estate made a strong comeback after the initial shutdown. Home sales are on the rise and banks are flooded with loan applications. We at Insignia Mortgage are seeing tremendous demand for jumbo mortgage product as non-QM loans return and as our portfolio of lenders continue to work hard to approve loans during this difficult time. We continue to have access to lenders who do not require a banking relationship from customers and who are offering purchase-money loans with as little as 10% down up to $1.5 million, interest-only loans, unrestricted amounts of cash-out, and attractive interest rates, and terms for investment property transactions.